Lorrie Kempf's fine art and curating experience blended together 14 artists of all different mediums and styles into an electric show. The exhibition was held in the bright and open corridors of SMUD customer service lobby, also know as SMUD Art Gallery and Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission "Art In Public Places."
"The generational divide, always a hot topic, has mushroomed into a full-blown phenomenon now that the four generations are together in the workplace for the first time in history. "Decades: an exhibition about the generations" ... offers a multigenerational view through the works of 14 artists." - Cathy Cassinos-Carr
"Some of the works are pure, sweet nostalgia. Memories of a simpler time run strong in Abigail VanCannon's painting "Pick-Up Sticks,"which captures a serene scene of a mother, wearing pink dress and pillbox hat, playing peacefully with her blonde, pigtailed daughter." - Cathy Cassinos-Carr
I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in a local show highlighting the multi generations within the workplace and using public art to help bridge gaps between them. A lot of times problems arise between people because they can't understand each others view-point or perspective. This exhibition speaks to the values and traditions of each generation. I am also thankful to close out 2014 with a highlight and ring in the New Year with more anticipated success. Happy New Year, from VanCannonArt Studios!